Safe Environment

St. Joseph Church & School is committed to ensuring a safe environment for our children and for upholding the “National Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.” 

The Catholic Church is dedicated to ensuring the safety of children, but the prevention of child abuse requires more than adult awareness, education, and training about the nature and scope of the problem.  The Teaching Touching Safety program guide (Teaching Touching Safety Guide) is a tool designed to assist parents and teachers in this important task. The Touching Safety program is a vehicle through which parents, teachers, catechists, and youth ministers give children and young people the tools they need to protect themselves from those who might harm them.

For more information about protecting our children and youth in the Diocese of Charleston, click here.  For more information about Safe Haven Program, please contact Kathy Massey, at

Before serving in the school or parish, all employees and volunteers who have regular contact with children and youth, are required to complete the Safe Haven training and the appropriate background checks.  Please contact the school office to begin the background screening process.  Below is our Policy and Ministerial Standards & Code of Conduct.

Policy: Protection of Minors and Vulnerable Adults and Ministerial Standards & Code of Conduct

Policy: Protection of Minors and Vulnerable Adults and Ministerial Standards & Code of Conduct – Spanish

Your local Victim Assistance Coordinator is available to help you or anyone who has been abused or victimized by someone representing the Catholic Church. We will listen to your needs and support you. We will help you make a formal complaint and arrange a personal meeting with the bishop, or his delegate, if desired. We encourage you to come forward and speak out. 

Diocesan Victim Assistance: 

1 (800) 921-8122

Diocesan Office of Child & Youth Protection Services: 

(843) 853-2130 Ext. 209




We Welcome You