Faith Formation
Virtue in Practice
Students are constantly taught to treat each other with kindness and respect. These concepts, and many more, are reinforced through out Virtues in Practice program. Each month our students are immersed in a virtue where it is discussed and practiced everyday. A saint that has exemplified the virtue will accompany the lesson. Parents and families are encouraged to develop these virtues at home to further reinforce the importance of strong character and virtue.
First Holy Communion & Reconciliation
Catholic students in the second grade will be prepared to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Sacrament of the Eucharist throughout the school year. This preparation is part of the second grade religion curriculum.
Catholic students in middle school are prepared to renew their baptismal vows through the Sacrament of Confirmation. Bishop Guglielmone travels to our parish every other year to perform the last of the three initiation rites so the catholic students will be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit and strengthened in their Catholic Life.
Altar Serving
Catholic students in the third grade and up are invited to go through a short initial training to become altar servers during school and weekend masses.
Retreats & Special Faith Formation
Retreats: As students approach the final days of preparation before receiving their sacramental rites (First Communion, Reconciliation, and Confirmation), retreats are offered to give the students an opportunity to focus on God. A member from the Diocese conducts these retreats and from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon, students participate in age appropriate activities that help strengthen their devotion to God.
God gives you everything you need. After all, when you seek Him first, everything else will be given to you. -Matthew 6
Reconciliation: For each liturgical season students, third grade and up that have already completed their first reconciliation, are invited to participate in confession. Confession will wipe away our sins and help us to feel better and be comforted from hearing the words of absolution.
Everyday Devotion: Prayers are said every morning and students attend Mass each Friday. In addition, throughout the year, we pray the Rosary and learn the Stations of the Cross. Behind the church, we have a lovely nature path that can students walk through to discover each station and the rosary. The students also participate in Holy Hour and Silent Prayer.
Every January, we take the students on a March for Life. We “march” through the parking lot to our Unborn Children Monument and pray for all the children that did not make it into our world.