Extraordinary Ministers
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest in distributing the Communion Host and Precious Blood at Mass. Extraordinary Ministers are baptized and confirmed Catholics who regularly share in the Eucharist. They are committed to the faith, devoted to the Eucharist, and demonstrate an interest and involvement in the community’s life. High school age and older may become an Extraordinary Minister.
Apr-Jun22 Lector Schedule
The ministry proclaims the word of God to the faithful at Sunday masses. The ministry consists of training for public reading, preparation for the reading, and finally the proclamation of the Lord’s word.
Volunteers who assist in the seating of the worshipers at all Masses, take up the collection and greet people as they enter the church. Ushers are men or women 18 years of age or older.
Eucharistic Adoration
Every Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and each First Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. the Blessed Sacrament is exposed and adored by volunteers who sign up for one hour or more to pray before the Lord Jesus present in the Monstrance.
Music Ministry
Join together in song, under the talented direction of our choir director, Jarrad Fenske. Any individual interested in singing, including young adults from grade 9 and up, is invited to participate in the choir. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings, 7:00 pm in Church. The choir normally performs at 11:00 am Sunday Mass. Contact the choir director Jerrad Fenske at jerrad.fenske@sjccs.net or calling (864) 225-5341
Parish Life
This is an organization for retirees and any parishioner 50+ years old. They meet in the Parish Hall on the first Tuesday of each month at 11:30 a.m. Programs consist of covered dish luncheons – followed by a guest speaker or other activity. It is a good way to meet friends. In December, the meeting is replaced by a Christmas fun-filled, get-together luncheon at a local restaurant.
K of C Council 8295
This is a Catholic, family, fraternal service organization. However, it is not an organization of the church. The Fr. Francis Friend Council serves the people of Anderson County. The council provides a variety of opportunities for fraternal and family-centered activities.
Facilities Maintenance Group
This group operates under our Pastor’s approval to assess the maintenance needs of all St. Joseph’s facilities. When feasible, they accomplish the maintenance themselves with the help of other organizations or suggest outside services to the Pastor, and if he elects, he will contact and hire outside contractors or services. Craft experience is needed and desirable. However, labor help is gratefully appreciated.
Catholic Women Serving (CWS)
Catholic Women Serving (CWS) came together in February 2015 as a UNITED voice of all
women who shared the same enthusiasm towards the spirit and the goals of St. Joseph’s
Catholic Church of Anderson and the community.
These goals have taken the form of dinners, backpack programs, school lunchroom help,
the Angel Tree at Christmas or help for local children’s programs from ages birth to 16.
We schedule motivational speakers for the spiritual guidance of our group. We have
assisted other church ministries and the Religious Ed program in assisting with their
events Due to our successful fundraisers, we have also been able to support some
groups in monetary ways.
As a service ministry, giving back is an opportunity that can be done in so many ways.
We have never been short of giving help where needed and will continue to find
projects because we are Catholic Women SERVING!
Our meetings are the
Last Saturday of most months
9:30 am in Fr. Friend Hall.
Please see the bulletin for changes or confirmation of dates.
Choose a special function or help them all. Your help is always needed. There are no
dues so come join us and enjoy the comradery of our group! Brochures can be found in
the Knights of Columbus literature rack in the Church Narthex.
Men’s Club
All men are welcome! It provides a pool of workers for various activities and hosts several fundraising events that benefit our parish school and the various right to life organizations. In addition, this organization serves as a social gathering forum for the men of the parish. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month starting at 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall.
Flowers and Grounds
Volunteers who care for and beautify the grounds and church.
St. Joseph’s Annual Golf Tournament
This is an annual event held at Cobb’s Glen Country Club to benefit St. Joseph’s school. Sponsored by the St. Joseph Men’s Club and the Knights of Columbus Council #8295.
Boy Scouts Troop 234
Meet on Mondays at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall.
Visit our troop website at https://troop234sc.weebly.com/
The Bereavement Committee is a compassionate group of volunteers who assist families who have just experienced the death of a loved one. During the families’ time of sorrow the Bereavement Committee responds to the gospel message “to comfort all who mourn.” When a Church member dies we offer a meal to the family. It can be served in the Church Hall, or we can bring the meal to the home after the funeral.
We have five teams that take turns so you are only called upon two or three times in a year to help. Our Church provides the meats and each team member provides one side dish. These items are a casserole, salads, fruit, dessert, rolls, ice tea, etc. They can either be home made or bought.
We really need some more help so if you would like to join this Ministry we would love to have you join a team. Please call me, LeJean Carter, at 989-590-3965.
Religious Education & Formation
Youth Ministry
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13
Grades 6th through 12th meet the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month at 12:30 p.m. in Fr. Friend Hall for food, fellowship, and faith.
Baptism Preparation
To have a child baptized at St. Joseph’s, at least one parent must be a practicing Catholic, registered at this church for at least six months, and regularly attending Mass and participating in the life of the parish. Before the Baptism can be scheduled, parents must attend a baptismal preparation class at St. Joseph’s. Baptisms are celebrated Sundays at 12:30 pm. To make arrangements, please contact the office at 864-225-5341.
Religious Education (CCD)
Our religious education program exists to serve children Grade 1 through Grade 8. The teaching staff is of all volunteer catechists who are constantly updating their own religious education so that children may grow as responsible, committed Catholics. “The Church reminds parents of the serious duty which is theirs of taking every opportunity to for their children to be able to pursue spiritual programs which will aid their development as Christians and citizens of the world”. “Declaration on Christian Education” Documents of Vatican II
Rite of Christian Initiation – preparation of adult candidates for Catholic sacraments. All interested in participating in the next series of classes please contact us at 864-225-5341.